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Constances Crazy Cinemas
Constances Crazy Cinemas
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Melodrama Auditions mobile

11/20/21 9:05 PM15 min674 MBmp4720p
Price14.99 EUR



Jacquelyn Velvets and Constance are in their most beautiful wedding dresses ready to tie the knot—wait—they’re *tied IN a knot*!!! They’re both gagged and rope tied to chairs, struggling to get out free! Constance shakes her head until her gag falls out of her mouth, and she actually explains that they’re both practicing for an audition! Constance wiggles her arms free of the rope binds then she removes the ropes from around her waist. Constance wants to do this again, but this time get YOUR opinion of your favorite damsel tie! Do you prefer rope? Silk scarves? Pantyhose? Tape?

Constance removes Jacquelyn’s ropes only to redo her ties with a silk scarf around the waist to the chair and pantyhose ties around her legs. Jacquelyn then pantyhose-ties up Constance’s legs and adds a silk scarf gag with a tape over the top! Such an elegant solution! Constance then shoves a pantyhose sock into Jacquelyn’s mouth and wraps her head in a silk scarf too! It’s about time for your help! Constance and Jacquelyn want you to tie them together so they can continue their struggle!! 

xoxo Jacquelyn Velvets & Constance Customs? EML Located on Clip Site

DESC: Misty Lovelace

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